
Norwegian’s restructuring scheme filed to the court

Today, Norwegian’s financial reconstruction plan was sent to its creditors and shareholders. If the plan is approved by the Irish and Norwegian courts in the coming weeks, the company can continue the reconstruction processes and initiate a capital raise in April, targeting completion in May 2021.

Jacob Schram, CEO of Norwegian, said: “We have had many constructive and challenging negotiations with creditors since the indicative plan was presented on January 14th. The Examiner in Ireland and the Reconstructor in Norway both believe that this plan is in the interest of the creditors and shareholders of the company. This is an important milestone in the process of securing Norwegian’s future.”

Geir Karlsen, CFO of Norwegian, said: “It is hoped that the Irish High Court will make their final decision within the next couple of weeks. If approved by the Irish Court, the plan will be dealt within the reconstruction process in Norway. If everything goes according to plan, we will be able to carry out the capital raise in May.”

