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Implication of COP 26 for WTO negotiations and what can steel learn from aviation

Sectoral announcements made on side-lines of COP 26 could have a major impact for scaling-up climate action. However, as shown by our analysis, some of these initiatives need better representation.

The upcoming 12th Ministerial of the World Trade Organization (MC12) could be an opportunity to create processes that give space for sectoral initiatives launched through bilateral or plurilateral approaches to feed into the multilateral system in the future.

Key messages: 

  • Announcements at COP 26 side-lines could potentially be more impactful than outcomes from formal negotiations
  • Sectoral initiatives targeting steel and aluminum need better representation
  • The global sectoral approach developed for international aviation holds valuable lessons for the steel sector and other heavy industries

Click here for analysis written by George Anjaparidze and first published in Policy Pulse by Veritas Global on 16 November 2021. 


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